New episode every Monday & Thursday
July 22, 2024

Balancing Online and Offline Work

Kendra is back with an update about her digital nomad life. In this episode, Kendra and I chat about her travel plans, first time nomading in SE Asia, and going from in-person to online coaching.

Connect with Kendra:

Connect with Anne:


00:01 - Digital Nomad Updates and Insights

11:45 - Exploring Conscious Communities as Digital Nomads

20:31 - Embracing Fear and Setting Intentions

26:02 - Expanding Community and Business Growth

31:13 - Community Building Through Nomad Interviews


00:00:01.604 --> 00:00:03.670
Hey Nomads, welcome to a new episode.

00:00:04.360 --> 00:00:06.427
Today you get both of your co-hosts here.

00:00:06.427 --> 00:00:32.063
I'm here with Kendra and we wanted to record, well, kind of an update where I will interview Kendra and we'll just want to, yeah, give you an update on what's going on from Kendra's side because, like last time we spoke together and we spoke about her story has been, I think, about two years ago since we recorded something like this and then she had done some solo episodes and updates that way.

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So we'll make sure to link those in the show notes.

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But today we just kind of wanted to talk about what's new from her side and her digital nomad life, what she's been working on, what she's working on now.

00:00:43.265 --> 00:00:59.753
And, yeah, I just update you on what's going on because, you know, the cool thing about nomad life is, I think for many people it's always changing and you can always make changes to your life relatively easily because of the freedom, and I know that Kendra always does cool, cool things.

00:00:59.753 --> 00:01:04.629
So, yeah, I usually say Kendra, welcome to the show, but you know, like this is your show as well.

00:01:04.668 --> 00:01:09.367
So, hi, hi, so nice to be here, like on the other side.

00:01:09.367 --> 00:01:14.403
No, I'm super excited yeah yeah, it's super cool awesome.

00:01:14.763 --> 00:01:22.126
So can you share a little bit more, maybe, where you are now, and then we'll go back to kind of like what we miss in Canva's life.

00:01:22.126 --> 00:01:24.912
But can you you paint the picture of where you are right now?

00:01:29.420 --> 00:01:34.506
Right now I'm sitting in the living room of my mom's place, imagine in Germany.

00:01:34.506 --> 00:01:40.272
But I'm just here for a little holiday, saying hello to all my friends, family, and then on Friday, in a couple of days, I'm going to Bali.

00:01:40.272 --> 00:01:44.316
So my first time not nomading in Latin America.

00:01:44.316 --> 00:01:48.864
So for the first time I will go to Southeast Asia.

00:01:48.864 --> 00:01:50.087
So yeah, exciting.

00:01:50.868 --> 00:01:51.290

00:01:51.290 --> 00:01:52.813
Have you been to Southeast Asia before?

00:01:52.813 --> 00:01:54.522
Like traveling, I think you did right.

00:01:54.602 --> 00:02:02.143
Yeah, like when I was still like working, like when I had my three weeks of holidays, I went to Thailand and Vietnam.

00:02:02.143 --> 00:02:04.265
I also enjoyed it a lot.

00:02:04.265 --> 00:02:15.817
And yeah, bali was, to be honest, never on my list because I always was thinking everyone is going to Bali, I want to find, like, new places and I was I'm still so passionate about Latin America.

00:02:15.817 --> 00:02:20.568
But you know, I'm always following my heart.

00:02:20.568 --> 00:02:21.919
In the last years and now my heart just told me go to Bali.

00:02:21.919 --> 00:02:32.697
So I'm going there without any plan, without any expectations, just seeing with what life wants to surprise me yeah, I love it.

00:02:32.737 --> 00:02:37.670
So you're going with a one-way ticket, or do you already have your next ticket as well?

00:02:37.951 --> 00:02:48.524
I'm going kind of with a one-way ticket, so now we will like I will start there in July and I would like to be in November in Mexico again in Masunte.

00:02:48.524 --> 00:02:49.747
That would be amazing.

00:02:49.747 --> 00:02:53.461
But if I like Bali so much, if I really love it there, I stay longer.

00:02:53.461 --> 00:03:02.866
If I really don't like it, I go maybe earlier to Mexico or do another stop where, wherever, but I could stay, if I want, until November.

00:03:03.649 --> 00:03:06.454
Okay, cool, that's very exciting.

00:03:06.454 --> 00:03:10.871
And yeah, new continent for Nomading Unlocked.

00:03:10.871 --> 00:03:13.709
What do you know if you like it or if you don't like it?

00:03:13.709 --> 00:03:15.768
And that's also good info to have, I guess.

00:03:15.768 --> 00:03:19.710
So what else is new on your end?

00:03:19.710 --> 00:03:20.602
What are you?

00:03:20.602 --> 00:03:21.687
What have you been working on?

00:03:22.540 --> 00:03:43.290
So I think the last time we started I was on my journey on building retreats in Colombia, right to inspire people to connect to their heart, and this heart connection is still like the core of my business building, of my digital nomad lifestyle, of my digital nomad path, of all.

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It's like this, my focus, my core, but this I was growing more and more into finding my niche of what I really wanted, but I wasn't the beginning of brave enough to talk about.

00:03:53.349 --> 00:04:05.731
It's about like mentoring and supporting people, individuals who are suffering from emotional eating, overeating, like on their recovery from binge eating and bulimia.

00:04:05.731 --> 00:04:10.131
So there's challenges we have, because that was my story.

00:04:10.131 --> 00:04:16.512
And then I was like finding ways, like through connecting to my heart, on how to heal it.

00:04:16.512 --> 00:04:20.091
And now I'm more like I do online coaching.

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So my business now is online and offline.

00:04:22.848 --> 00:04:36.149
In the beginning I was more doing offline events wherever I was, but I also learned, as I want really to be a digital nomad, that it's hard to build like an offline community if you're just staying a couple of months.

00:04:36.149 --> 00:04:44.011
So I'm like now, wherever I am, I love to host offline events, but I'm more and more growing into the online world.

00:04:44.011 --> 00:04:50.389
So I have my monthly online woman circle on emotional eating and I have clients and I'm thinking about.

00:04:50.389 --> 00:04:51.372
I haven't done it yet.

00:04:51.372 --> 00:04:57.911
I would love to hear maybe, if some of the listeners would like it reach out, like off online retreats.

00:04:57.911 --> 00:05:05.730
So maybe some hours together and if not, maybe I still for sure will go on with my offline retreats.

00:05:07.521 --> 00:05:12.692
That's so interesting that you're moving a little bit more from offline to online, because I'm doing exactly the opposite.

00:05:12.692 --> 00:05:24.892
I think I still have my online business and you know most of my work is online, but then I have started here in Valencia, an offline community, started here in Valencia an offline community Together with my friend Dan.

00:05:24.892 --> 00:05:32.908
We started a Slack channel and weekly meetups and we want to do more offline events and I've been really enjoying it.

00:05:32.908 --> 00:05:39.041
It's not really it's not a business like yet, or maybe it won't ever be a business For now.

00:05:39.041 --> 00:05:50.346
It's really a passion project, but I've been so, so enjoying, yeah, just having offline connections even more, uh, through, you know, in that in that way, and hosting events.

00:05:50.346 --> 00:06:13.660
So I think it's just so interesting that we're going like exactly opposite ways, but it also makes me think, you know, maybe, well, actually, probably both are really important and probably it's really good to have both as a nomad right, not only offline, because you want that consistency in work, but then also not only online, because you know offline connections are important.

00:06:15.124 --> 00:06:17.571
And, to be honest, I prefer offline.

00:06:17.571 --> 00:06:27.961
I love the offline events way more than the online, more than the online.

00:06:27.961 --> 00:06:31.411
It's just that if I want to grow my business and make clients grow community, then it's hard if I'm like in three different countries per year.

00:06:31.411 --> 00:06:45.673
But, like, the dream goal is that, like the online, community is so diverse, because now it's so beautiful, we are like connecting with women from from the entire globe, basically know I always try to sweep the time zone of every continent.

00:06:46.319 --> 00:06:57.646
So then in my head, like when I go to those places where people are, they also join the offline events, and then someone from the offline events maybe then come to the online and we are back.

00:06:57.646 --> 00:07:04.910
So it's like a little bit learning, like failure, experiencing what's working, what's not working.

00:07:09.079 --> 00:07:09.500
Yeah, I like that.

00:07:09.500 --> 00:07:13.209
I think what I'm also hearing like the consistency is important in building your business.

00:07:13.209 --> 00:07:25.927
So then you know, if you choose to not be in a location for a while, then having that online component makes it possible to stay consistent and stay top of mind for people and then when you go back, these people are still there and they still know about you.

00:07:25.927 --> 00:07:30.129
You're still connected and then that makes it easier to do those offline things as well.

00:07:30.129 --> 00:07:32.648
I think what you're telling now.

00:07:33.281 --> 00:07:45.588
Yeah, and also because I got, like in the last years, really also clarity on the tools and techniques I'm using, you know, like journaling, meditation, ecstatic dance or conscious dance and the.

00:07:45.588 --> 00:07:48.983
So the coaching, the one-on-ones you easily can do online.

00:07:48.983 --> 00:07:58.709
But then, like now, my new passion is become an ecstatic dance dj, or I love to say like conscious dance, but people know better ecstatic dance.

00:07:58.709 --> 00:08:13.468
So I really want to create this dance where you invite your heart to the dance floor and you dance really with your heart and by activating your body, you get all the answers from within, and then obviously it's more beautiful to dance with a lot of people together to share this connection.

00:08:13.468 --> 00:08:14.851
So those are more the events.

00:08:14.851 --> 00:08:20.071
I will do more offline, you know, like, then it also depends on what we want to do.

00:08:20.130 --> 00:08:22.423
Journaling, you, I can do online and offline.

00:08:22.423 --> 00:08:24.387
They are both like great ways.

00:08:24.387 --> 00:08:40.701
So basically all the events I'm hosting contain this elements of a meditation to her heart, journaling with our heart to have this dialogue, and then either we finish with a dance or not yeah, yeah, I like that absolutely.

00:08:41.100 --> 00:08:45.525
And does this also have any implications for your travel plans?

00:08:45.525 --> 00:08:52.153
Like does that mean that you feel like you can travel now to Bali because of this online component?

00:08:52.153 --> 00:08:54.496
Or, like this Do you feel like it gives you more freedom?

00:09:00.340 --> 00:09:00.440

00:09:00.440 --> 00:09:23.297
So because I can handle it like it's just for me, like now I have a client who's living in Columbia, so then the time zone maybe was Bali, so but I'm then saying, okay, it's my responsibility, so I don't mind to stay, like to go to bed later and do the coaching for me in the late evening, so it fits with her time zone still.

00:09:23.297 --> 00:09:32.493
But then the other thing is great and I also plan now my locations a little bit on the offline season.

00:09:32.493 --> 00:09:43.009
So that's why I want to go to Masund in Mexico, like Puerto Escondido, that area again in November, because they are the high season for all those conscious events is November till March.

00:09:44.172 --> 00:09:45.094
That's a little bit okay.

00:09:45.500 --> 00:09:50.023
And now there's like the time in Bali where it's a high season where I can do a little bit the events.

00:09:50.023 --> 00:09:55.524
So this gives me a little bit structure in my traveling plans exactly.

00:09:55.605 --> 00:09:56.687
Oh, that makes a lot of sense.

00:09:56.687 --> 00:10:02.524
Yeah, and I think you know that structure and you know seeing those opportunities.

00:10:02.524 --> 00:10:07.476
It's really smart because you know if you have so much freedom to go wherever you want, then the question is like what do you want?

00:10:07.476 --> 00:10:08.126
Where do you have so much freedom to go wherever you want?

00:10:08.126 --> 00:10:09.120
Then the question is like what do you want?

00:10:09.120 --> 00:10:09.582
Where do you go?

00:10:09.582 --> 00:10:11.168
Right, there's so many options.

00:10:11.168 --> 00:10:19.080
So I think you know making a super conscious decision that way like, ok, well, this is what I want to focus on and this is the best location for that in this season.

00:10:19.080 --> 00:10:20.861
So then that's where I go.

00:10:20.861 --> 00:10:22.202
I think that's really cool.

00:10:23.063 --> 00:10:24.145
Yeah, yeah.

00:10:24.145 --> 00:10:28.169
So, little by little, I'm building this path of finding my locations.

00:10:28.169 --> 00:10:33.916
It will always be Colombia, for sure, and I think I left Mexico.

00:10:33.916 --> 00:10:37.143
I was there for the last month.

00:10:37.143 --> 00:10:42.533
Yeah, let's see, spain is still on top of my list for next year Detroit.

00:10:43.379 --> 00:10:49.426
Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah, so Spain is now my main base.

00:10:49.426 --> 00:10:55.793
Yeah, yeah, I decided to spend most of my year, especially this year, but also going forward like most of my year in Spain, so nice.

00:10:55.793 --> 00:11:01.152
What did you like about Mexico and how is Mexico different from Colombia?

00:11:01.152 --> 00:11:04.121
Like, I have been to Colombia, but I haven't been to Mexico yet.

00:11:04.121 --> 00:11:16.469
So, like, can you share a little bit more about like what you like about the differences in the country and like why, why it works so well for you to have both as a location?

00:11:16.950 --> 00:11:20.726
so I think me over the last years as being a nomad.

00:11:20.726 --> 00:11:45.250
I understood more and more that I find my power and that I'm really connecting to my heart when I can swim every morning in the ocean, so this jump into the sea and then this is what I'm missing in Colombia, because I'm usually in Medellin, and that's amazing when I want to be with other digital nomads, entrepreneurs, because by the coast it's like a little bit more difficult to live.

00:11:45.250 --> 00:11:59.687
The internet connection, you know, it's like they're like more hostels, hotels, but not this nice community and this is what I found in Mexico, so directly by the BJF is conscious community of activities I just enjoyed.

00:11:59.687 --> 00:12:08.525
I need for I organize, I host, but also I enjoy participating to go on on my personal development journey and my healing journey.

00:12:08.966 --> 00:12:18.905
So there's ecstatic dances, yoga, kirtan, a woman's circle, all of this and in masund, in mexico, in oaxaca, it's like one hour from puerto escondido.

00:12:18.905 --> 00:12:22.465
I think puerto escondido is it's more this hub for digital nomads.

00:12:22.465 --> 00:12:29.581
And then you have masund, where it's also now a good internet connection and I have the ocean where and all these conscious events.

00:12:29.581 --> 00:12:45.248
So now that's also a reason I go to Bali, because now my mind is like what is like a place I can go to, where I can combine being in a conscious community and having my jump into the ocean, and it does not need to be like on a daily basis.

00:12:45.248 --> 00:12:52.307
But this is a little bit what's guiding me and that's also like the difference from for me, from Colombia and Mexico.

00:12:52.366 --> 00:12:55.942
So when I talk about Mexico, I really just talk about Masund.

00:12:55.942 --> 00:13:00.871
I haven't been like Tulum will be like a different place, mexico City also.

00:13:00.871 --> 00:13:13.970
So if we talk about Oaxaca, like Masund is there, it's for me this being really in my conscious community bubble, and then but I I love the balance, you know, then I need to be another month.

00:13:13.970 --> 00:13:16.278
I really need to focus more than on my business.

00:13:16.278 --> 00:13:23.493
Again, I need to be more like, I want to be surrounded more by entrepreneurs, by business people.

00:13:23.493 --> 00:13:25.744
Then I go to Medellin, and then Medellin.

00:13:25.744 --> 00:13:26.927
I also have the dancing.

00:13:26.927 --> 00:13:29.111
You know I love bachata salsa.

00:13:29.111 --> 00:13:34.673
This I couldn't find like in Mexico, so who knows if in some point I find the city who combines all of it.

00:13:34.673 --> 00:13:36.283
If you know it, please let me know.

00:13:36.283 --> 00:13:41.941
But until now, it's also nice to have, like, someone's there, someone's there.

00:13:43.403 --> 00:13:45.967
I mean I do know the city, you know I'm living in it.

00:13:45.967 --> 00:14:03.014
So that's literally the reason why I mean I obviously have slightly different interests to yours, but I mean that's what I found in valencia, where I came here, and I was like this city has most to all the things I want in a place.

00:14:03.014 --> 00:14:07.024
So then there was no reason really to leave anymore.

00:14:07.024 --> 00:14:09.552
So then I was like like okay well, it looks like we're staying.

00:14:10.701 --> 00:14:15.788
And I feel I will end up in Valencia or Barcelona because I think it's really combining everything.

00:14:16.320 --> 00:14:23.427
But there's still within me, like this drive, this motivation on keep on a little bit more and traveling, discovering new places.

00:14:23.427 --> 00:14:27.831
So I feel I need it, because I didn't plan to become a digital nomad.

00:14:27.831 --> 00:14:59.328
For me it was always I moved to Colombia, I studied in Colombia and then I, like, when I quit my job in Germany and became and yeah, I wanted to build my retail business in Colombia, but it was in Colombia where I met so many digital nomads that I was like, wait a minute, this is also like super interesting and cool, but I needed some months, or maybe even a year, to fully arrive, or, until now, like to fully arrive in this lifestyle, to feel comfortable, because there are also so many things that are not so easy.

00:14:59.328 --> 00:15:11.173
And now I feel it's, now I'm in my comfort zone again and now I want to explore it a little bit more and I enjoy it a little bit more until in some point, I feel okay, now I can settle down again.

00:15:11.614 --> 00:15:26.368
But who knows, yeah yeah, exactly, I have that a lot with people when I meet them and I say, oh, I've been a digital nomad for almost six years at this point, and then they're like whoa, so like, did you travel for those entire six years?

00:15:26.368 --> 00:15:29.072
And it's like kind of like on and off.

00:15:29.072 --> 00:15:37.649
And I think as digital nomads it's really common and I think probably also good to have like phases in it.

00:15:37.649 --> 00:15:43.787
So then I never wanted to like force myself to keep traveling when I didn't feel like it.

00:15:43.787 --> 00:15:55.748
So I have had phases in the last six years where I was like you know what, I just want to or have to stay a little bit longer in one place and I don't feel like moving around every single month.

00:15:55.748 --> 00:16:06.677
But then I also had times in these six years where I was like let's explore new places, let's see as much as I can in the next six months, and then after that I was also exhausted.

00:16:06.677 --> 00:16:28.777
So then I was like, okay, let's just I don't know like get one place for six months, not move a lot, have routine and like go to the same gym, you know every day for six months and you know things like that, which I then really enjoyed because that's what I was craving, and then at some point, I would get itchy feet again and I was like, okay, let's go this like next adventure.

00:16:28.777 --> 00:16:29.322
And then I would also be itchy feet again and I was like, okay, let's go this like next adventure.

00:16:29.322 --> 00:16:32.188
And then I would also be very excited about that.

00:16:32.460 --> 00:16:45.105
But I think, like keeping that excitement, the way to do that is to just lean in and to feel what you want, like what you're really looking for, and it will likely change and I hear you say that as well.

00:16:45.105 --> 00:16:52.025
Right, like for now, this is what you want, this is what you're super excited about.

00:16:52.025 --> 00:16:55.806
And then probably there will be a phase again where you want to chill more, stay in one place, like focus on other things.

00:16:55.806 --> 00:17:01.687
Like instead of like exploring new places, focusing on other things, like your business or something else you know.

00:17:01.687 --> 00:17:10.873
Like for me, it's also often like community building or health is things that I would really enjoy, like focusing on.

00:17:10.873 --> 00:17:16.653
Like now that I'm here in Valencia, I'm like, okay, great, I found an amazing gym that I really enjoy going to.

00:17:16.653 --> 00:17:18.723
So that's basically a.

00:17:18.723 --> 00:17:29.133
Well, my priority now is to just go there and really enjoy and like focus on on my health and sports a lot, and I think that's also it.

00:17:29.220 --> 00:17:38.952
Yeah, what I would like to add is also this possibility of this being brave, also of following the voice of our heart.

00:17:38.952 --> 00:17:42.409
You know, that's like my core inspiration.

00:17:42.409 --> 00:17:50.070
It's not just to inspire others to listen to their heart, also me connecting every day and following it.

00:17:50.070 --> 00:18:03.827
So, because my entire journey, my entire adventure of being a digital genomic started with my heart telling me I should organize retreats in Colombia, and first I thought what I'm crazy, you know like, as I was a business consultant.

00:18:03.827 --> 00:18:28.980
But then the more and more I allowed myself to listen and we all first need to allow ourselves to listen to those crazy in our voice sometimes and what I enjoy so much as a digital nomad that I have the freedom, flexibility and to really listen where my heart wants to go, if it wants to stay, what is happening, what you say, maybe now, and I want to focus on community building, health.

00:18:28.980 --> 00:18:36.484
I really enjoy the gym, whatever, or there's a new location, I want to go, like really this, connecting and following it.

00:18:36.605 --> 00:18:45.609
And this is also something I was learning in the last three years, because I also sometimes we try to to be with our minds no, you need to go now to that place and you need to stay there, for example, for me, I know.

00:18:45.609 --> 00:18:49.984
I know I need to go now to that place and you need to stay there, for example, for me.

00:18:49.984 --> 00:18:56.285
I know I need to spend some months in Germany because I haven't spent so much time with family and friends and I love them.

00:18:56.285 --> 00:19:06.328
I feel guilty if I'm not so long there, but my heart is craving or is knowing that there's something else in another place maybe happening, and that's now my path, you know.

00:19:06.328 --> 00:19:10.131
And then maybe in a later point it's again longer in Germany, who knows?

00:19:10.131 --> 00:19:15.051
But that we really allow ourselves to listen, and this has became more.

00:19:15.051 --> 00:19:27.288
If you ask me, what changed since our first interview is also this becoming more and more confident that our heart is really this wise voice within us that knows what's best for us.

00:19:27.799 --> 00:19:39.263
We are just not brave enough sometimes to listen, or we need to learn to listen and yeah, yeah, and do you think it also helps that you've done it a few times now and you ended up?

00:19:39.765 --> 00:19:47.526
Well, you know like, okay, the first time maybe your heart tells you, okay, like, go to Colombia and start a retreat business.

00:19:47.646 --> 00:19:52.044
But then, once you do it and you you know you are super brave.

00:19:52.044 --> 00:20:04.433
I feel like the next time your heart tells you something you need less bravery because you have more confidence in my experience, where it's like well, you know, I've done something like this, like something crazy quote-unquote crazy.

00:20:04.433 --> 00:20:09.133
I've done something crazy before and it worked out fine, you know.

00:20:09.133 --> 00:20:31.905
So then I can do something crazy again, like I can go to a different country, I can go to the other side of the world to explore Bali and see what happens there, and I feel like it also gets a little bit easier because just that confidence of like I can handle this, I can move to a different country, I will be able to find friends because I have done it before, that also makes it easier.

00:20:31.905 --> 00:20:43.525
I think that first step you need so much bravery and then it becomes a little bit, yeah, definitely easier, definitely, and maybe for the listeners when they cannot, wasn't it with listening to your heart?

00:20:43.665 --> 00:20:45.328
you can also maybe say the intuition.

00:20:45.328 --> 00:20:53.273
And how many times does it happen that you realize, oh, I had this intuition, I should do x, y, that, but I didn't do it.

00:20:53.273 --> 00:20:54.156
I should have done it.

00:20:54.156 --> 00:20:56.845
You know, these are also moments that help me, like we came up.

00:20:56.845 --> 00:21:06.224
But yeah, definitely what you say, because with every time we follow this, whether we go to a country where we haven't been or we start something, we also become more self-confident.

00:21:06.224 --> 00:21:07.390
Why didn't we?

00:21:07.390 --> 00:21:13.066
We learn, oh, we really can do, we really can manage and, yeah, there was something beautiful happening.

00:21:13.066 --> 00:21:14.429
It's definitely.

00:21:14.809 --> 00:21:27.449
I think the first thing, as you said, is like to do the first step, to going out of the comfort zone and embracing the fear and then realizing, wow, there's truly some beauty behind that fear.

00:21:27.449 --> 00:21:34.010
Then we become more comfortable of doing it and our comfort zone becomes bigger and bigger and bigger.

00:21:34.010 --> 00:21:36.688
So we can do another step and another step.

00:21:36.688 --> 00:21:40.369
And for me, it's sometimes when I feel like, should I really do it?

00:21:40.369 --> 00:21:42.480
Like when I really feel a bit scared.

00:21:42.701 --> 00:21:59.465
Oh, I know I should do it, but my mind is telling me no, no, no, don't do it, then I stay a little bit longer with the decision, but in the end I I take the step because I know, okay, if I feel scared, it's because something beautiful is waiting for me.

00:21:59.465 --> 00:22:02.674
It's like, yeah, how it works.

00:22:02.674 --> 00:22:08.067
You know, if I talk a little bit spirituality, that's also something I become more and more passionate about.

00:22:08.067 --> 00:22:17.250
But it's like the law, you know, like universe is joining us and it's giving us this hints what we should do and to really live like this authentic, fulfilled life.

00:22:17.250 --> 00:22:21.066
It's we can do it when we really start listening and following.

00:22:22.329 --> 00:22:42.269
Yeah, and I also I still get that moment where, a few few days before I take off on a big trip or like something that is not in my comfort zone, still a few days before, I have this feeling of why am I doing this to myself, like you know, like, why do I have to do it?

00:22:42.310 --> 00:23:01.895
Why do I have to put myself through this and pack my bags and, you know, get so uncomfortable, and that lasts usually for like 48 hours and then one day before I leave, I'm really, and then, once I'm on the plane, I'm just literally excited and I don't feel any of that discomfort anymore.

00:23:01.895 --> 00:23:14.959
But I still have that after so many years of traveling and after nomading for so long and, you know, like, building the business and taking all that risk, still have that almost every time.

00:23:14.959 --> 00:23:28.875
So I also don't think it necessarily goes away for many people, but I think that's a good thing because also, you know, keeps you on your toes, makes you appreciate the journey and, like you said, I think it's a good sign.

00:23:28.875 --> 00:23:30.839
Yeah, and it keeps it exciting.

00:23:31.000 --> 00:23:36.111
Right, because if we would not feel like this anymore, it would also maybe get boring, you know.

00:23:36.151 --> 00:23:38.800
And then we think, oh, what so?

00:23:38.800 --> 00:23:40.467
Nomad, life's never boring.

00:23:40.666 --> 00:24:10.701
Exactly and what really helps me then also to understand it and to go into it is really like just sitting down and journaling and then playing also, because usually when I sit in a plane going to a new location, I always write down like how do I really like, ask my heart, how do I want to feel when I sit in the plane next time or in the future time, like what should happen now in that new destination, in that next step, like who do I want to be first because that's also beauty.

00:24:10.721 --> 00:24:15.249
We're like when every destination we can start from scratch Like who do I want to be?

00:24:15.249 --> 00:24:21.369
Like which of my roles, all the many roles I am do I want to live more in that new destination?

00:24:21.369 --> 00:24:23.086
What activities would I like to do?

00:24:23.086 --> 00:24:25.288
How would I like to feel on a daily basis?

00:24:25.288 --> 00:24:38.723
What do I want to reach with, or what are my goals for my business, my private goals, you know, like my priorities, and that's then also always beautiful to use this time in the plane to plan it just as a little inspiration.

00:24:38.723 --> 00:24:42.821
I just need to think about it because that became one of my travel routines.

00:24:44.244 --> 00:25:00.556
I know, I remember that you told me to do this if you like, at least once, one time, but like probably a few times, and it's a really good practice, I think, to reflect on what your expectations are, but not necessarily expectations, but more goals, like you said.

00:25:00.556 --> 00:25:06.132
And also, yeah, like visualizing OK, I'm on the plane to the next location or on the plane back.

00:25:06.132 --> 00:25:10.510
What do I want to have achieved or experienced?

00:25:10.510 --> 00:25:12.749
And I think that's a really good practice.

00:25:12.749 --> 00:25:16.050
It sets that intention for sure and, yeah, I love that.

00:25:16.050 --> 00:25:17.073
I think that's a great tip, and I think intention for sure, and, yeah, I love that.

00:25:17.073 --> 00:25:33.432
I think that's a great tip, and I think you can do that for every trip, even if you go on vacation right, if you're not a digital nomad or not digital nomad yet, I think for every kind of travel, you can do this or even as an entrepreneur, like how do I want to feel next month about my business?

00:25:33.472 --> 00:25:34.580
what do I want to have achieved?

00:25:34.580 --> 00:25:42.112
You know, and sometimes I also do it when I go into strategic planning- yeah, exactly, that's a good tip as well.

00:25:43.213 --> 00:25:46.144
Yeah, so can you share a little bit more about what's next for you?

00:25:46.144 --> 00:25:48.590
You know, talking about goals and things.

00:25:48.590 --> 00:25:58.545
I mean, you already mentioned that your business has changed quite a bit, where there is an online component now, and that you're going to Bali and you're going to Mexico again, but what else?

00:25:58.545 --> 00:26:01.732
Do you have anything exciting coming up that you can share with us?

00:26:02.141 --> 00:26:02.342

00:26:02.342 --> 00:26:14.385
So I really want to grow more, this community of people supporting each other who are suffering or who are dealing with it's not it's who are dealing with overeating, emotional eating and recovering on their bulimia journey.

00:26:14.385 --> 00:26:20.248
So I will host some retreats just for this target audience or people who feel identified with this.

00:26:20.248 --> 00:26:22.659
But it's not that I'm not a therapist.

00:26:22.659 --> 00:26:26.832
It's all about connecting to our heart and finding the answers.

00:26:26.832 --> 00:26:29.409
Why do we need the food within us?

00:26:29.409 --> 00:26:32.328
Because food is just a symptom when we have an eating disorder.

00:26:32.328 --> 00:26:33.230
It's not the problem.

00:26:33.839 --> 00:26:38.288
So, really understanding our challenge, what is maybe this limiting belief that I have deep within me?

00:26:38.288 --> 00:26:39.403
Or my wounded child?

00:26:39.403 --> 00:26:40.428
What is it believing?

00:26:40.428 --> 00:26:41.645
What is it what I really need?

00:26:41.645 --> 00:26:42.890
Why is the food helping me?

00:26:43.976 --> 00:26:54.624
And focusing more on this, like in retreats, and also creating like more dances, you know, like I want, I'm currently creating the special dance that is guiding us into our heart.

00:26:54.624 --> 00:27:00.984
So maybe also playing in some festivals, in some conscious festivals I hope, hopefully you see me there more.

00:27:00.984 --> 00:27:12.922
And then, besides that, I'm just creating, like I'm already applying it in my woman circle or in my coaching, like a special methodology to guide us in our heart and get these answers.

00:27:12.922 --> 00:27:19.425
It's called the inhabitants of our heart, all those different parts that are living within us, with who we have the dialogue.

00:27:19.425 --> 00:27:35.144
When we have the dialogue with our heart and I'm currently putting it a little bit on paper to bring it like to create this, this methodology that are like now, like a little bit like the next steps, you know, by by by.

00:27:35.203 --> 00:27:36.787
Still I'm, I would say, with my business.

00:27:36.787 --> 00:27:38.917
I'm in the phase little where it's like still.

00:27:38.917 --> 00:27:40.321
I feel it's a starting point.

00:27:40.321 --> 00:27:49.734
So sustaining what I already have, caring for it, building like this community more, more in that sense, and networking, collaborating.

00:27:49.734 --> 00:27:55.905
I feel there's so much more possible when we are like collaborating.

00:27:55.905 --> 00:28:00.221
So maybe someone now feels I want to do the same or I have an idea.

00:28:00.221 --> 00:28:01.386
Please reach out.

00:28:01.386 --> 00:28:04.317
I'm super open for for always like new opportunities.

00:28:04.317 --> 00:28:05.941

00:28:05.961 --> 00:28:23.003
I love that and all your links are in the show notes, so when you're listening, you can find all kind of links to connect with her in the show notes and also make sure to follow her on Instagram so that you can, you know, keep up to date on where she is and the events that she organizes online and offline.

00:28:23.003 --> 00:28:26.515
Yeah, I think that's really cool and I'm so excited for you.

00:28:26.515 --> 00:28:37.044
Yeah, it feels like a little next step in your business, right, like one of already so many steps you took to get here, but then this is probably like the even step on also on your business trajectory.

00:28:49.375 --> 00:28:50.939
You know, like maybe it's like.

00:28:52.240 --> 00:29:01.323
Maybe it's like Mexico was for me integrating Everything I meant in Colombia, this little community I built there, all the events, so I felt I managed so much.

00:29:01.323 --> 00:29:03.701
Now it's time to integrate.

00:29:03.701 --> 00:29:09.104
Instead of yeah, and now I integrated like in, like being in in Germany.

00:29:09.104 --> 00:29:25.194
I had a retreat here that's, I feel like, until now, my most successful retreat, in a way that it was overbooked, you know like, and everything, and me also feeling as a confidence baseholder with an amazing collaboration partner.

00:29:25.194 --> 00:29:27.318
So, so great.

00:29:27.358 --> 00:29:43.830
And now like Bali now is like okay, going out again now a little bit of my comfort zone, stepping a little bit into new spaces with my, with my business now, and being also brave more to focus more on this, on this target audience.

00:29:43.830 --> 00:29:57.878
Because, to be honest, as this is like my wound, I was 15 years suffering from bulimia and now I'm teaching, learning and I want to show everything that helped me to go like together with the therapist.

00:29:57.878 --> 00:30:04.162
You know I'm not a therapist, so I had my therapy, but what helped me on a daily basis now inspiring others.

00:30:04.162 --> 00:30:09.335
But this is also me showing me vulnerable, because I talk about my story with these examples.

00:30:09.335 --> 00:30:11.540
So, but I feel I don't know.

00:30:11.540 --> 00:30:17.336
I think bali is like in that energy that holds me to be able to be brave and talk about it.

00:30:17.877 --> 00:30:21.244
And then I go again to mexico, where everything now like.

00:30:21.244 --> 00:30:22.067
I hope.

00:30:22.067 --> 00:30:34.817
I go there again as a then as a confident spaceholder, also for ecstatic dances that guide you into your heart, also for emotional eating, and so I go to mexico when there's high season to hopefully host there then all the events.

00:30:34.817 --> 00:30:38.343
I became now more confident and holding.

00:30:38.343 --> 00:30:39.104
Let's see.

00:30:39.104 --> 00:30:41.327
Yeah exactly.

00:30:41.648 --> 00:30:49.087
It sounds like it is all already all working together and it probably will be more and more, um, very exciting.

00:30:49.087 --> 00:31:13.345
Well, canvass, thank you so much for coming on the well, coming on the podcast being part of this podcast, but also today talking us through your updates and where you are now in your business and also in your nomad life because, also, you know, things have definitely changed in the travel side of things, so where you're finding out more and more what destinations work for you and for what like phases in your business building and just in general.

00:31:13.345 --> 00:31:15.269
So that's super exciting.

00:31:15.569 --> 00:31:40.501
Um, yeah, thank you for talking us through that today and no, and thank you also for the opportunity, because I'm just thinking and reflecting, it's also thanks to all the interviews we have, you know, with all the nomads, we we inspire each other again and listening and later to the episode, but this also helps us to find our way and that lifestyle, getting inspired um by by each other.

00:31:40.501 --> 00:31:52.088
So, and also like and I think it's like it was a great idea that we did it, because then I hope for also for the listeners get to know us a little bit better and can better follow up on the interviews.

00:31:52.088 --> 00:31:53.893
It was amazing, I think so.

00:31:53.932 --> 00:31:59.704
Okay, yeah, thank you so much thank you, and thank you for everyone listening.

00:31:59.704 --> 00:32:00.887
See you next.

00:32:00.887 --> 00:32:02.191
One too many more interviews.