New episode every Monday & Thursday

Digital Nomad Lifestyle Episodes

These guests share how they live their digital nomad life and what their days look like.
Nov. 15, 2021

The Dark Side Of Today's Hustle Culture & How To Use It To Your Benef…

When you're a digital nomad, the internet is most likely your best friend. It's allows you to work from your laptop, wherever you are in the world. But there's also a dark side to being connected all the time. In this episode...

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Nov. 8, 2021

The Fast Growing Digital Nomad Industry In India, Will India Have The…

Saurav Arya is the OG Indian digital nomad. When he was working as a mechanical engineer, he took a gap year and never returned back to the office. He now has a homebase in Bangalore, India, while traveling to 8-10 different ...

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Nov. 1, 2021

Part-time Nomads Living In Mexico While Immersing In Local And Indige…

Cassie & Nate left their home country to travel the world, but ended up staying at their first destination. They enjoyed Mexico so much, that they decided to make it their home base. After several career pivots and turning a ...

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Oct. 25, 2021

The Real & Crazy Digital Nomad Life, With Nomad Coach Christina Davis

Christina left her corporate job with no plan B. She started traveling and slowly found out what she wanted to do in life. She dabbled into social media management, but decided that's not her perfect nomad job. Eventually, sh...

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Oct. 11, 2021

Sabbaticals, (Very) Early Retirement, And Financial Independence, Wit…

Eric Richard (31) retired last year to travel the world and start a podcast. After a year of travel, COVID ruined Erics plans and he went back to work. Now, he's continuing his FIRE (Finanial Independence Retire Early) journe...

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Oct. 4, 2021

Are You Taking Enough Time To Explore What You Want In Life? Steph Sm…

Steph has an amazingly successful digital nomad career, several side hustles and a home base in San Diego. But she only got here after taking her time to explore what she really wants in life. In this interview, Steph and I t...

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Sept. 27, 2021

Improving Remote Work With Rise Remotely

Our guest today, Christina Voll, went from digital nomading through university to building her own remote work platform, Rise Remotely. I love how Christina eased in to digital nomad life, instead of making a drastic move (li...

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Sept. 20, 2021

Getting A Remote Job vs. Starting Your Own Business, With Jordan Carr…

Nobody cares about the future of work, they care about the future of living - Chris Herd, Firstbase. If you want to travel the world while working remotely, you generally have 2 options: start your own business or work for so...

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Sept. 13, 2021

It's Not Too Late - How Rachael Pilcher Started Her Digital Nomad Lif…

Rachael Pilcher is a digital nomad and professional freelance copywriter for tech and SaaS companies. She's worked with some of the world's best software brands, but it wasn't always this way. In 2015, she made the life-alter...

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Sept. 6, 2021

How To Travel Long Term, With Professional Hobo Nora Dunn

Nora Dunn has been traveling long term for the past 15 years, of which 12 full time. I asked her to come on the podcast to ask her exactly how she does it and what she has learned along the way. We also talked about why Nora ...

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Aug. 16, 2021

Settling Down After Nomad Life; Anchor Or Prison? With Danielle Sunbe…

Danielle left the traditional definition of success as a "Big Law" litigator in Washington D.C. behind to travel the world with a backpack exploring what it means to be human in the modern world. She became an expert in Easte...

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July 12, 2021

Dating As A Digital Nomad: The Mindset Shift You Need To Make

Dating as a digital nomad is tough! At least that's what I always told myself. Kimberly Koehler came on the podcast today to talk about why dating as a digital nomad is only as hard as you make it for yourself and how to succ...

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July 5, 2021

From Drug Addiction To Living In Budapest As A Digital Nomad, With Fr…

Francis probably the most inspiring story I've shared on this podcast so far. He went from being addicted to opioids in college, to traveling the world and working remotely as a copywriter. If he can do it, you definitely can...

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June 28, 2021

Running A Graphic Design Business From A Van In Australia

Sonia started her graphic design business from scratch, while living in a van in Australia. Well that's impressive! In today's interview, Sonia and I talk about what Sonia did prior to starting her own business, why she decid...

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June 21, 2021

Work, Travel, And Connect With Your Kids At Family Workation

Do you feel like digital nomad life is not for you, because you have kids? Kate Shifman makes it possible for you to travel with your family on her Family Workation. Kate went from working a hectic life in the New York agency...

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